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This section has been created with the aim of disclosing the way in which personal data of users of this website as well as potential clients are used and protected.
These privacy policy measures have been created according to the Italian law article 13 D.Lgs. 30/06/2003 n. 196/2003 (also known as Personal Data Protection Act) and have the aim of protecting personal data of users accessing to the website
This policy only refers to the website and not to other related or linked lites.
This policy also follows the European Authority Recommendation nr. 2/2001 for personal data protection adopted to determine the minimum requirements for online data collecting: particularly, the ways in which personal data are handled and the nature of information that people in charge of data processing have to provide to Internet users when they connect to web pages.

Holder of data processing

Personal information related to identified or identifiable people might be processed after browsing or using this website. The holder of this information processing is the company DIESSE, property of Daniele Bontempi, based in Limone sul Garda (BS) at the address Via IV Novembre.

Place of data processing

Personal data are processed only at the abovementioned base by qualified personnel or by staff in charge of maintenance operations. No personal data deriving from website browsing will be disclosed to other parties. Personal data spontaneously given by website users with the purpose of enquirying or asking for information material (newsletters, cd-roms, bulletins, annual reports, acts or measures, et cetera) are used only with this purpose and are disclosed to third parties only if necessary.

Different data processed
Browsing data

Software procedures as well as IT systems at the base of this website activity acquire personal data while the site is up and running. Such data transmission is implicit in the usage of Internet protocols for communication.
Similiar information is not collected for a specific purpose but simply due to the nature of online communication and might be sufficient, together with other data, to identify website users.
The abovementioned personal data and information include IP addresses, domain names of computers used by users connecting to this website, URI addresses of requested resources, time and date of requests or petitions, the way in which such petitions or requests to the server are made, the characteristics of the file/s sent as answer to such requests, the numeric code indicating the status of the answer to the server (positive, negative, error…) as well as other parameters related to the operative system and to the user’s IT environment.

Such information is used with the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistics on site usage and visits and to check its correct running and are immediately deleted after this processing. Such information might also be used to verify any users’responsibility in case of abuse or damage to this website. This eventuality excluded, data on web contacts do not persist for more than 7 days.

Data spontaneously given by website users
The spontaneous email communication to the email addresses published on this website naturally and logically implies the sender’s address acquisition, as well as other personal data from the same sender which is necessary in order to answer requests or enquiries.
Specific communications will be disclosed or published on the website for services upon request.

Users personal data are not acquired on purpose.
Cookies as well as c.d. cookies are not used to transmit personal information.
The use of c.d. session cookies (which are not permanently stored on your computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to transmitting session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable a safe and efficient site.
The c.d. session cookies used on this site avoid the use of other technologies that could compromise the privacy of the users and do not allow the acquisition of personal identification data.
Personal data assignment
Apart from what above specified for navigation and browsing data, the user is free to provide personal information to the company DIESSE property of Daniele Bontempi in order to participate in services on the website or to contact with the company to request information material or further communications or the access to specific services.
Their absence might make it impossible to fulfill the user’s request.
On some occurrences (not relevant to the ordinary activity or management of this website) the Authority in charge might request information on personal data treatment control according to the Italian law article 157 del d.lgs. n. 196/2003.
Answers to the Authority’s requests are compulsory and are subject to sanctions.
Personal data processing
Personal data are processed with automated tools only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.
Specific security measures are employed in order to prevent data loss or illegal or incorrect data usage.

Users can at any moment request confirmation upon the existence or non existence of their personal data and have the right to know the origin or their specific content, to verify them or ask their integration, update or correction (according to Italian law article art.7 d.lgs. n. 196/2003).
According to the same law article, users have the right to request their personal data to be deleted or transformed into anonymous or also to oppose to their personal data processing. Such requests have to be addressed to the company
 phone number +39 0464 504544 or by e-mail to For further information please check the site

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